Party like a princess...

So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

raining. buckets.

so when it rains a certain direction at just the right "speed"
i have lots of buckets in my house, catching all the rain inside.
5 to be exact and lots of towels too.

thursday was one of those days.

i decided since my friend had a baby,
that morning,
2 wks early, might i add...(how do i NEVER get that fortunate?)
that i needed to get started on her burp cloths...
so calli was put to bed for nap,
and the girls and i headed to the basement for a little sewing and tv time.

it wasn't until about 4:30 p.m.
that calli came down, soaked...and upset.
i had just gotton some new "cheap" pull ups...
so i muttered under my breath, about why do i buy cheap pull ups?
this always happens, changed her,
and we joined the chaos in the basement...

i  then went in the "cold" part of the basement to get some wood for the fire, when i noticed water pouring down from the ceiling.
hmmmm. that is not good. and at a really odd spot...
sliding right down from a skinny pvc pipe.

called matt immediatly.
got directions to shut off the water.
i guess all women should know how to do this...
it will alleviate unnecessary strife at an already stressful time.
i on the other hand did not. :(

then went upstairs and put towels and 2 more buckets in the entrance way
to our re-modeled powder/laundry room...
because water had "appeared" there all of the sudden too.
then, i went investigating...

much to my horror and dismay,
found that our upstairs bathroom had been flooded.
the water had been on full force.
toilet paper had been stuffed down the drain
and my make-up was floating all over the place with little
pieces of wet toilet paper stuck to everything.
the carpeted floor was soaked.
my make-up drawer was overflowing with water
and hence, water logged makeup.
the underneath vanity was also soaked
along with everything stored there.

in hind sight...
what a great way for the Lord to send to me to have a MAJOR
clean out.
i had always wanted to clean out my make-up drawer.
but, who wants to take the time.
( moral of this story is to go clean out your drawers
before the Lord ~makes~ you. ha.ha. )

i worked as fast as i could to get as much cleaned up as i could before my man got home...who rushed out of work early...
there's only so much a woman can do.

needless to say,
 i spent much of the night in
and i still might tear up if you ask me about the story. :(

i hadn't experienced that ~guilty~
~it was your fault feeling~
quite like that before...
or at least since this same little girl had wondered up
to the school playground, while school was in session,
at 18 months old.

so, clean up continues.
 i actually ~thought~ about taking some pictures for here,
but it was just too devestating for me. pics. sorry. :)
the old office ceiling is the worst...
seems are showing up, some peeling drywall appearing...
but there is a small water mark on our new basement ceiling as well,
which is the biggest ouch.

did a base coat on the bathroom floor last night.
i don't think i am even going to bother putting the gross, old, smelly carpet back in...bathrooms shouldn't be carpeted anyway, should they? :)

but my ever so encouraging husband reminded me
that the next time this happens, :)
there won't be that carpet to help soak up all the water...

Dear Lord...i will beg you to not let this happen again.
at least on my watch.  :)

and from another one of my favorite books:
The Mission of Motherhood, by: Sally Clarkson

"But having four children in a home, automatically means
frequent messes, poorly completed chores, a few dozen socks lying
on the floor at any given time, crumbs hiding in different corners
throughout the house, and at least some dirty dishes, no matter how
recently the kitchen has been cleaned..."
and i add...and a flooded  bathroom... :)

you better believe i didn't let that kid out of my sight since...
until now, and i think she's washing some dishes. :)
gotta run.

(can't wait for catching some rays this summer, how about it? )
Happy Weekend !!

My husband is leaving on a much needed ski trip.
i hope he can have some fun,
and not think about the bathroom. 
and maybe one of you guys can speak some encouragement into his life too. 
he might need a good dose of that. ~mk.


Anonymous said...

oh man did tell me about the situation but definitely have a new perspective on it not laughing...well, maybe just a little:) however, i do love sally clarkson! i have one called seasons of a mothers heart. did you know she's a homeschool mom? thought it could be the Lord:) you'd do a GREAT JOB!
tell campbell i LOVED the picture and kadens handwriting is QUITE impressive.
miss you all already. me

Angie Myer said...

Oh Mis! Sorry to hear about that! :( Thanks for sharing it with me & helping me to realize that these kinds of things happen to every mom!

Did Matt tell you we bumped into him at the feeder sale last night? :) I was so disappointed you weren't there! ;) Just teasing, Paul assured me before we got there that you wouldn't let that happen twice! :)

Have a great day!

Shelby said...

Ummmm I have two girls pretty much just like that:( Hey at least you handled it better than I would. One of mine flooded the guest bathroom and it went through to the basement drop ceiling. Luckly I just replaced the drop ceiling panels. I am not a fan of drop ceiling, but I knew there was a reason I said we should go with a drop ceiling. Seems like I am cleaning up one mess and they are on their way to another.

Cheers:) Maybe one day you will laugh about it. I still can't laugh about the mess she made in the bathroom. I am pretty sure she will never attempt to us a plunger again.


Kendra said...

sorry to hear that Missy. we all have those days where we wonder "how did that happen" and "why me"! Owen is my one to get into trouble, you know eating a whole bottle of children's tylenol!

Sarah said...

:( Sorry I went so early (well not really)! NO rush on the burp clothes girl..I'm still in the hospital! I feel like I should come help clean up the mess!

My friend just made me a sign 'Pardon the mess, my children are making memories'

When Calli has her own kids this will be a fun memory/story to share! Don't let the guilt get you girl...You are a rockin' mama and friend!