Party like a princess...

So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

it's been *awhile*

so i guess this will just be a hodge podge post.

since i have last written, pink eye has returned in kaden, so we are treating him *again*, i had to visit the doctor as well, so i was down for the count, for a good 2 days, but some rest and antibiotics has done this mommy wonders. some snow. some 60 degree temps. 100th day of school project. karolina feeding herself *puffs* but refusing cheerios, i guess because they are cheaper. :) bible study started again...a study of david. good news club to start at the end of this month, so lots of recruiting, anyone want to help? :) and organizing for things to run smoothly again this semester. and then throw in some laundry, baking, cooking, cleaning, and fun perhaps, and call it a week.

how do you like karolina's headband? i think it totally rocks.
however, it does clash with her bib. :(

karolina is now trying to throw herself out of the bumbo.
so, being that i accidentally let campbell throw herself out of it, onto the floor,
when she was about this age, (eeeekkkk)
i decided it was time for a high chair.
baby girl is growing up. she is 6 months old now.  :(

 did a teeny bit of re-organizing.
each kid has their own basket now. labeled basket.
for their own hats, gloves, shoes...
this is supposed to make my life easier. :)
in the past, i only had one basket, so everytime they were looking for their "other" shoe,
everyone's shoes were tossed all over the floor.
and of course they forgot to pick them up. :)
so far. this is a great invention. a great idea. found somewhere on pinterest. :)

these 2 are kind of 2 peas in a pod right now. calli loves karolina.
loves her so much, she wakes her. wakes her in the morning. and wakes her at naps...
gotta keep your eye on calli. plain. and simple.
they were helping me with laundry this day. :)
calli is a rock star at speech.
she loves it. and is really speaking much. much. more clearly.
it's amazing.

kaycee wanted me to take a picture of her 100 day bead project.
nice. :)

(canvas by: aimee weaver)
and one of my good friends had this canvas done for karolina's room.
i. am. in. love. with. it.
i wish her nursery wasn't ugly brown paneling. it would look much cuter...
someday. :)

kaden has had some rough spells. some crying and fit throwing because he is the *only* boy and can never have any fun. more than by yourself. boy fun. it is so old already. so, we had one of his little friends over and they were outside the whole time, trying to kill some things and had target practice... :)

 my sister and i squeezed in another trip to the Philly zoo this week. my pass will expire in april, so trying to fit some more visits in before that happens. :) GREAT investment in my opinion, even though matt has politely refused each of our zoo trips.

(love their blue feet protectors, right? i have no idea what they do...they were only on some of the flamingoes, and some of the penguins...wierd?)
how can one ~not~ believe in God. like how in the world did these flamingo's come into fashion
in ~any~ other way. they are like the strangest. beautiful.  how in the world can they
possibly be comfy sleeping on one leg? for real?

campbell and nephew jaiden...he only goes to kindergarten every other day. we caught him on an "other" day...lucky for him. :)

and campbell and calli with my neice, reese...

and an update on matt. would be. his knee does not feel great. he is doing another month of therapy, and then will most likely be released from care. his strength is good, but not great...he did get kicked by a cow a couple weeks ago...that surely did not help. :( but he has been a trooper, and fairly good about doing his therapy...however, i am glad he is seeing someone else for that. it does surely help with his follow thru. :) at this point they are saying no surgery is indicated. which has been an answer to prayer, but he is still not happy because he doesn't feel normal. understood.

i guess that's all for now. i had to laugh. some ladies from my prayer group were busting on facebooker's the other week. for posting about what they do in a day. hmmmmm. it's totally okay. i just kept my mouth shut. one would assume they don't read my blog. good thing. :)

and i seems most of my pictures are always of karolina.
one...i think because i am determined that we will not have less pictures of her, being that she's the youngest, and that's what everyone always says happens...and two...they just change so quickly. it's crazy. so...all that to say happy thursday to ya. off to get calli to speech.


Angela Stoltzfus said...

love catching up on your blog! your pics are great. are you enjoying your camera? :)
zoo looks like it was *fun*!
i love your basket organization!
& i love all things "aimee weaver"
miss you.
ps-are you on pinterest? i'll have to look for you ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks missy for the update and the pics of karo....since this is pretty much when i see her:)...which is TOTALLY my fault.....thinking of your kids much lately and what a perk it is to be so close...need to make use of that perk, huh? love that you went to the zoo. im a big fan. miss you!
naomi the jump start post too and can totallllyyyy relate. thanks for the challange. psalm 119 it is!

Jane said...

Wow so much to say!!! Yay for calli glad speech is working for her! Kaycee looks so much like you!! I'm not all prepared for what I hear boys are going act like!! Karolina is adorable!!! I hope Matt's knee gets better soon Yay for no surgery! Love the organized baskets!! And, oh yes we are old ;). I have a splint and got a cortisone shot so hopefully that helps!!! Love ya!!