Party like a princess...

So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Blizzard of 2016.

so i am supposed to be paying bills and doing deskwork.


a quick blog pit stop.
needed to throw some pictures of the blizzard of 2016 on here.
to prove it happened in a couple years. :))

Calli Ann- age 7.
Kaycee Agnes. age 11.
Capable of driving the snowmobile this year. ;)
the kids are "officially" spoiled.
they don't want to "sled' anymore...because they can be drug around
on the snowmobile. :/
#realpeopleproblemshere. :/

Digging out is a real joy.
Thankful we have NEVER had to remove snow from rooftops.

for the most part living on a farm has been really been good.
especially considering i NEVER wanted to live on a farm, after growing up on one. :)

sure...there are days when i wish my husband had a 9 am - 5 pm job.
and we could actually plan a vacation ahead of time.
and paid vacation. well. now. there is a dream? :))

and man. there are many days when i wished i lived in a "newer" house...
[that means less than 20 years old.]

with big closets. and a master bathroom and second floor laundry.
just sayin'. and keeping it real over here.

yes. call me spoiled.
i am okay with that.
i don't know how i got so lucky to be born when i was??

but. we are learning to REALLY live.
and flourish. where we are planted.

teamwork. chores. farm jobs {when you are 4 years old.}
sharing bedrooms.
room to run around.
snowmobiles. 4 wheelers. go-carts.
guns and bow and arrows.

what i am saying is.
we are thankful to live here.
or trying to teach our children that this is a really great place to grow up.

they think it would be pretty cool to HAVE to go to a playground to play.

clearly...they are misunderstanding something??

and be able to farm where Matt's grandparents started years ago.
and then his parents.
and then his brother.
and now us.

i am claiming

right?  :))

AND...we just happen to get fabulous sunsets here.
(and sunrises too).


1 comment:

Shelby said...

Love the pictures and your realness:) Love you friend.