Matt had been away at a hay auction this morning, and I was out with the kids, and noticed the mommy goat "Princess" who we have been watching to have her babies, was definately out of sorts. Upon a closer look, I knew she was in labor. (It was all coming back to me so quickly watching her...yikes!) She was pacing and maa'ing very quietly, and was leaking a bit of fluid. So...I called Matt asking if we knew what we were doing. :)

Upon confirming my suspicions, I came in and hopped on the internet to see what I could find. To my surprise, I found a lot of helpful information on "kidding goats" and some great pictures of fetal positions. We were anticipating Princess was having twins...which made me a bit more nervous...

Princess did infact have twins. Little Addie was in the most perfect position for goats to deliver...her brother; however, was in the most compromising position, and even with the assistance of Matt, did not survive. :(
This is Addie at a few hours old, recooping from her journey into the world...
This is Princess recovering from her most exhausting morning.
Birth continues to be an amazing process whether human or animal. Kaden was also was so fun to watch him process it all and make an attempt at answering some of his questions as to why things sometimes go wrong.
So, please pray for a safe (and fast...did you know a goat's delivery should happen in 20 min,... and if it's taking longer, it's a sign of trouble?) delivery for our much anticipated child... due Sept. 30th. And stop by to visit Princess and Addie if you are in the area...And us too. :)