Party like a princess...
So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Monday, September 29, 2008
Thank you.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Fun on the Farm...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Due in 10 days...
I anticipate the birth of this new child. When will my labor begin? Will the hot water heater be working at Birth Care this time? :) Will the delivery be fast or hard and long? Will the baby be large or small? Will it be healthy? So many questions can drive one crazy. One thing is for sure...I will deliver. I will give birth. One thing is for certain-the baby will come when it's ready. So, as I reflect on my life so far, I am grateful for the wonderful man I call my husband, and my 3 precious healthy children that make up my family. And am so excited to meet this new peanut. Surely I can pray this prayer more fervently than ever, as I prepare for bringing another child into the world...tomorrow, or 2 weeks late. :)
I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power. -Philippians 4:13.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Check this out!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Kaden (5) said: "getting cotton candy for the first time, riding bike on the boardwalk,
swimming in the pool, seeing the dophins, and riding the waves"
Kaycee (3 1/2) said: "digging and making pools, going in the warm water and finding some
seashells and seeing the dolphins in the ocean"
Campbell (18 mo) said: "Playing with 2 little girls we met on the beach, Gianna and Jessica,
(who were exactly her and Kaycee's ages...which meant
playing with new beach toys), also walking on the
boardwalk at night, holding daddy's hand, and stopping to dance in front of all the
arcades"...she put on quite a show for everyone.
Mommy (30) said: "not cooking, relaxing on the beach getting a last minute tan, riding bike
with my family...we were quite a scream (tandem, tag a long, and trailer)
breakfast with Scott, Ang and Addalie...always fun talking about life with them. :),
and seeing the dolphins"...
Daddy (now 34 !) said: "riding bike on the boards, breakfast with Scott and Ang, seeing the
dolphins, and building sand castles with the kids"
Here's some pictures that captured our time away from home...
how can i NOT post this. can you imagine? precious kate. gorgeous. and in the spotlight. not even 24 hours after she gives birth to her...
yeah...that above? it says only 97 days to go. that's only a teeny bit over 3 months until i can meet my new precious peanut. it always ...