Party like a princess...
So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Friday, July 25, 2008
Yeah...It's my birthday!
Kaden turned 5 on Thursday...I just cannot believe it...where did the time go? We had a family party on Sunday, and a low key day yesterday. He LOVED getting messages on the machine from his cousins singing "Happy Birthday" to him, and of course, the presents and cards were a highlight too! Right now he LOVES riding his 4 wheeler, playing "mom and dad" with his sisters, riding bike, playing baseball and "working" with dad.

Kaden, we love and adore you, and realize what a blessing you are to our family. It's been so much fun watching you grow up into a little man. You are such a great big brother, and mommy appreciates all the help you are to her! XOXO.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
We'd like you to meet "Freddy Jack King"
It's really true...I broke down and we got a puppy. He is really very cute, at 10 weeks old anyway. His name is Freddy Jack King, and he is part border collie and blue heeler...a good herding and hunting dog for the future. So far he LOVES his home in the barn...which is where he will stay...and it's been a real challenge to get him out to play. Kaycee and Campbell are TERRIFIED of him, but we hope that fades with time.
Can you really believe I am holding an animal...I's absolutely crazy! :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Summertime FUN!!!
Just a glimpse of some summertime FUN we had this week. Matt is working very hard, providing for us, which we are THANKFUL for...but that really puts the pressure on, we need to have fun for him too. :)

Us farm kids got a taste of city life this week when we went into Lancaster to jump in the fountains with our cousin, Jaiden. Boy did we have FUN!
Friday, July 11, 2008
a good day.
so on my good days i try to remember how beautiful and precious carrying a child is, and on my bad days, well, I want to throw something at everyone who tells me how big i am (at 28 weeks). :)
so far, everytime i have tried to get kaden and kaycee to feel the baby move, the little peanut stops...until today. i had them talk to the baby know, introduce themselves, tell the baby they can't WAIT to meet him or her, and let the baby know they love it. i then had kaden put his hand on my belly, and after a minute or so, the baby kicked. kaden's eyes got HUGE and he smiled BIG, and said, "mommy, i felt it move, i felt it move!" i smiled... i already had tears in my eyes. kaden looked at me again giggling and said, "i think the talking really helped." :)
thank you jesus for my precious family and using today to help me see how truly beautiful this experience really is...big or shouldn't matter to me.
"for you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, i know that full well." psalm 139:13,14.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
It's just the little sidewalk chalk.
This week we had a rather traumatic vacation to the Chesepeake, on the Eastern Shore, with the extended Buckwalter clan. We arrived on Tues. afternoon, and on Wed. morning, my 2 1/2 year old nephew, Jaiden, was bit by a raccoon. Talk about freak really is a long story, and I am quite certain Megan will KILL me when she see's I have it posted on my blog,...but it continues to be a reality in our family, as Kaycee tells a little more of the story each time she tells it. Needless to say, we love you Jaiden, and are glad you are going to be fine after all these shots!
Our house was right on the water, and here is Matt and Kaden fishing in our back yard. The bugs were horrible, and I think I was almost eaten alive, but I am trying to look at the finer points of the vacation...Kaden couldn't WAIT to go fishing..
Yep...she is talking in this very picture. She jabbers to anyone who will listen and throws a good tantrum when she see's fit. :) She is such a joy, but boy, we are going to have our hands full with this little gal.
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how can i NOT post this. can you imagine? precious kate. gorgeous. and in the spotlight. not even 24 hours after she gives birth to her...
yeah...that above? it says only 97 days to go. that's only a teeny bit over 3 months until i can meet my new precious peanut. it always ...