Party like a princess...
So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Friday, November 28, 2008
For that I am thankful...
I am thankful husband, the beach, Godly parents, good health, kaden, music, sunshine, Jesus, kaycee, books, desserts, campbell, christmas, friends, my house, a provider, calli, chickens, a wonderful moppy and poppy, who are always willing to take our kids-even at the last minute, a sister, candy bars, pictures, coke, toys, brothers, pretzels, comfy blankets, tulips, summer, memories, healthy children, computers, mashed potatoes, jeans, emotions, grandparents, God's greatest sacrifice, heat, nieces, a happy heart, grocery stores, movies, clean cold water with ice cubes, springtime, new life-especially new human life, e-mail, apple juice, treadmills, sleeping in, comfy pants, smiles, nephews, tractors, strawberries, blush, eyeliner, and mascara, telephones, the abililty to worship, freedom, childbirth, a bed, small group, love, pastors, a hot bath...
I celebrate Thanksgiving because my life overflows with things to be thankful for, and because God gave me the eyes to see how incredibly blessed I am. My list is simply insufficient, but it's what I came up with in the few minutes I had to create it. I hope your family has been blessed this Thanksgiving, and although our country is going through hard times (although you would not have known it looking at the line inside toys-r-us this morning at 5 am), may you experience God's overwhelming sense of love for you, his sufficiency to provide for us, if we just trust him...looking forward to celebrating Christ's birth with all of you this Christmas Season...Bring on the snow! Mis.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Calli is 6 weeks old already...
Yep...Calli is 6 weeks old already. Where does the time really go anyway? My days are very, very busy trying to be a good wife and mom mostly. My friendships are lacking a bit, for that I am sorry. I am finding that 4 children is quite a bit more "busy" then just 3. I question why sometimes, and haven't really come up with a good answer. I continue to run around a bit, with kids in tow, which helps me to realize what patience and a soft voice looks like. :) Matt asks me what I get done in a day, and sometimes I really have nothing to say...lots of diaper changes, plenty of cleaning up toys, and unloading and loading dishwashers, washers, and dryers, lots and lots of nursing, and burping, and of course cooking, and on some days even some cleaning and vacuming. (Some days). :) I really do love my life, and try to treasure this chaos. I know that our days are numbered and I was given this family for a great, great reason. My kids will not always be little, and I am learning it's okay to sit down and color, or "play mommy" or even play tackle football in the house. :)
And back to Calli...she is a very content baby. :) She is smiling now, and loves to be talked too. She is cooing, and making some fun sounds. She is nursing and growing well, and spits up a good bit too (as her big brother Kaden did when he was a baby too). She is sleeping anywhere from 6-8 hours a night, which is a super big treasure to me. :) I am thankful for her life...Mis.
Monday, November 17, 2008
We didn't Win!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Fall time Fun.
Kaden- 5, Kaycee- almost 4, Campbell- 20 m, and Calli- 5 wks.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
By far, the decorating was the best part...Don't they look YUMMY? :)
how can i NOT post this. can you imagine? precious kate. gorgeous. and in the spotlight. not even 24 hours after she gives birth to her...
yeah...that above? it says only 97 days to go. that's only a teeny bit over 3 months until i can meet my new precious peanut. it always ...