well....our family photo attempts are few at best. this was the best one. thanks poppy. easter 09.
kaden- 5 1/2, kaycee- 4, campbell- 2, and calli- 6 months.

my little peanut...she was 9lbs. 3oz. at birth, but has now followed in her sister's footsteps and is on the "tiny" chart. she is now eating rice cereal. :( she's growing up so fast. i LOVE the tiny, baby stage...she was just laying on mam-maw's living room floor amidst the chaos on easter, having fun playing by herself. it's a beautiful thing.

we ate lunch with matt's family on easter, and then went to my parents for an easter egg hunt and hot dog roast for afternoon and early evening...we had gotton my parent's this fire pit for christmas, so they are trying it out with the grandkids, amidst the wind...

just some pansies....

uncle mark, not wanting anyone to see him fighting with that hot dog...

a little smoke never hurt anyone...

there have ALWAYS been plenty of babies to pass around at our family dinners...aunt meg with the youngest...calli- 6 mo, and hope- 5 weeks.

kaden giving some love to great grandma buckwalter...

kaycee showing off an egg.

campbell decided she would rather ride bike in the middle of "the hunt". didn't bother daddy at all...

great pappy buckwalter checking out campbell's eggs.

yes, this is against all i believe in. my 2 year old has her nuk OUT OF BED. it just wasn't worth the fight. she was exhausted from missing her nap. oh well. i'm pretty sure this wouldn't have happened with my first or second kid... :)

just some pretty eggs.

another of calli being herself.

what a hunt.

easter 09. fun. family. eggs. no naps. good food. laughter. hot dogs. sunshine. early church. friends. running. some crying. toys. chaos. cousins. great grandparents. did i say good food? more eggs. wrestling. smiles. joy. happiness. robins. awe. mis.
looks like a great time, miss.....sorry we missed all the chaos, but we had our own here:) you guys beam with life....can't wait to see ya all again. send my lovins to all you kids...man, i miss um!
Looks like a wonderful time! I LOVE the family photo. Trust me, I know it is painful to get that perfect shot we mom's hope for ... I took 88 to get 1 Christmas card photo! But, I've come to realize that "it is what it is" ... not everyone has to be looking in the right direction or smiling ... raising children is the season of life we're in ... so most family shots around here capture "real life." I treasure this season so much ... I find such true JOY in it and wouldn't trade it for the world!
Hey Missy! It was great seeing you guys the other night too. Hope you were able to finish mulching! Scott just checked our attic, but he wasn't able to find the collar. He must have gotten rid of it. Sorry we weren't able to help out!
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