campbell is a fun loving addition to our family. her personality is completely different than both kaden and kaycee's. campbell turned 7 today. she is my first kid who gets to celebrate a birthday at school. (kaden's is over the summer, and kaycee's is always over Christmas break). So...what does this mean, you ask? well. campbell got to have her name announced over the loud speaker. she got to take a treat into school...which happened to be homemade pumpkin whoopie pies, at her request. i also packed her lunch full of wrapped presents, and she was too SHY to open them...they were still packed in her lunch box when she came home. can you believe it? maybe compassionate is another word for her? :)
i drank castor oil to try to induce labor on my own with campbell. she was 12 days late, and well. when you go to a birth center, you can only be 14 days late, and then you HAVE to deliver at a hospital, by law. so...i took matters into my own hands. did it work? i have no idea if it was the castor oil, or really just labor starting on it's own. it was the thickest, grossest sprite i have ever consumed in my life. would i do it again? you betcha. i had a great experience, and her labor was only 2 hours long, from start to finish. yeee. haa. she was the smallest of my babies at 7 lb. 12 oz. i had to have quite a few ultrasounds with her...they kept telling me she wasn't growing, and i was still growing, so that was reason for concern. ; / all was well. a lot of worry for no reason at all. i guess that meant a lot more praying on my part as well...
campbell told me today that i was the best mom she could ever have. the same child who can change her mind on a dime, about me being a good mom for her i mean. :) pretty indecisive like her momma.
loves school. dreams of being a missionary at present. isn't concerned with not having a lot of friends.
doesn't mind chasing her shadow, alone, at recess. wants to please her dad. loves to write and draw. and dance. and play house. likes to read. walks home from school, if she can have a choice. loves noodles.
this girl is gonna give me a ride. i know it. i can feel it. i hope she always knows she is a princess. and will always be loved. no matter what. good choices would be nice. :))) oh. but i guess being a mom would be too fun that way, right?
Happy Birthday Campbell Meg.
if only you knew how much fun i have being your mom. on most days. if only you can see how you sparkle. your eyes. i love your laugh. i love to listen to you sing. you bring joy to our home. and sometimes moodiness. but mostly joy. :)i can't wait to see what your 7th year of life brings you.
besides getting your ears pierced. :))
1 comment:
Such a wonderful little gal!
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