oh, the fun to think back 5 years ago, today. we were at a family dinner all night, i came home at 9:30 pm, and started having contractions...just like that. i told matt to call nicole, a labor and delivery nurse friend, who was willing to come to the birth center with us, as matt broke his back when i was 8 months pregnant (a whole nother story of God's provision for us)...he told her to bring a movie along, UNTIL i intercepted the phone, and she decided we better just go... :) at 11:55 pm little kaycee agnes introduced herself...had her in the water...which is the ALL-STAR method of having a baby, ANYDAY...HANDS DOWN. :)
anyway...some fun pics from our day of turning 5...
a present from the N. Carolina cousins...yay...we've already colored on those fuzzyposters...they are awesome!
yep...i made the purse cake, and coin purse to go with it. i thought it totally rocked...and it was easy. yay.
matt's mom, Judy, and my mom, Debbie, with our kids.
kaycee with my brother mark and heather's daughter, sarah...
just me and my birthday girl...i am fully blessed...