what a day yesterday was.
started out by having moppy...matt's mom...come over to watch the kids around 8 am, while i helped to put 48,000 peepies into our chicken houses...
then...decided i would jump in the shower, and hi-tail it down to the cochranville carnival. word on the street around here, was that Extreme Make-over Home Edition was THERE, but if you wanted to be on tv, you had to be there by 9am....we rolled in around 10 of 9. :(
most of you know i don't really fool around when it comes to famous people. so early on i got my ducks in a row...i found a man with a headset, and asked him where Ty was...Ty Pennington of course...the main man from my kids FAVORITE show. i kid you not...we really do watch this show every sunday night...most nights kaycee and i have tears streaming down our faces at some point. :) anyway...this guy told me that Ty was here, but i couldn't "see" him just yet...
to explain the scene furthor...there are a few gobs of crowds of people standing around...not allowed into the carnival yet...so, i started asking around again, what was going on? and how could i get on tv? totally SELFISH...i know...
so...this same man tells me he can get me on, if i can act REALLY excited. "well, of course i can...what do you mean, i ask?" he tells me that there is going to be a raffle, and there are 2 "staged" winners, and i could be the 2nd place winner of a prize...that i wouldn't really get to keep. (huge downer...i mean, COME ON ALREADY...i can't even keep my prize?) of course i accept graciously...and then had to sign my life away, and all my kids, and my mother in law's too. then more standing around.
the guy kind of to my right is Jason Houghton...he graduated in my high school class, at Octorara, so he was loving giving me a hard time, AND his family owns all the rides...which is how the show got to come to Cochranville in the first place...huge.long. story....i am happy to tell it if you really want to know it...but this is going to get kind of long, so maybe another time. :) the guy to my left is the guy who hooked me up, and then stalked me all morning long to make sure i wasn't going to "blow" it and sneak off and leave or something?
this is rhonda stoltzfus, my neighbor...(she actually owned the expensive canopy that was destroyed at our shower last week, which is besides the point, and totally another story)...her daughter, maria, happened to be picked to be the 3rd prize winner...that big brown bear. my other famous people stalker friend, mary lou, is the one who took all these great pictures...because of course, i didn't have my camera. :) thanks mary lou!!!
now...in this picture, i am trying to get something accomplished. he is holding the dvd player that i won...which really was just a re-taped box...he already gave me the dumb big rhino...but i was hoping to get something better, so i was negotiating because i did such a great job reacting...for real...i made a total. complete. scene! they didn't even have to "re-shoot" me...like they did the first place...real time winner...of the makeover....
here i am telling matt i actually met ty pennington, and that his wife just might make it big on tv, and he should really get his butt down to the fairgrounds. he was content to stay where he was...
and i showed him these pictures this morning, and he said, "you wore those dumb boots, and that hat?" shucks. my husband was not impressed with how i looked...most of you also know that is no surprise. our styles are slightly different...{please don't tell me i look dumb, because i am about to be on tv in about 2 months...}
and i can't even remember this guys name. fun day. by this time my kids and mother in law were waiting in the car...the kids got a bunch of tickets and got to ride the rides, and play games for free while this was all going down...
anyway...got to meet a lot of neat security guards who lived in places where i just visited on my motorcycle trip...small world. :) they were dying in the humidity..it was kinda funny. and poor ty...was wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. bummer. and...they kept telling everyone to put their cameras away...because this was supposed to look real.

in all actuality, it was a little disappointing, how much of everything was staged. i will never watch the show in the same light again, but it was still fun. they couldn't tell me exactly when the show will air, but around the 2 month from now mark...the family is from Hamburg...near Reading...
here's to seeing me and kaden, and a bunch of other people you just might know...on the show... :) kelly king and ashley fritz were part of the "hometown crowd" who came running in...you know the people who i always THOUGHT were REALLY from the town where they were shooting. a total crock. fake. oh well. they are going to get to be on tv too. look for us all. :)

oh...and i did get 6 shirts too. :)

p.s. please leave a comment and let me know...when i post big pictures like this, can you see the whole picture, or are they being cut off? my sis can't see the whole pic, and i need to know if that's just her, or everyone? thanks. mk.
so are you feeling the love? famous people. hmmmm? TOTALLY intriguing.
wow! didn't know this was going on yesterday and of course i was at work anyway! disappointed how much isn't "real" and like you may not look at the show the same again! but looking forward to seeing you on tv in the near future! love that show too, jason hates it! I cry everytime. makes little problems in my life seem just that, "little"!
btw, your outfit looks pretty hip to me!
oh my word. you are a bold one! Too bad we don't have tv to see my famous sister in law! can't wait to hear more tonight! :)
o mis.....I just absolutely LOVE you!!! =)) you're adorable!! (& Matt agrees...i'm sure..cause after all he married you. =))
please let me know when i should watch the show!! (I better not be in China...if I am..you'll tape it i'm sure...& then i'll get to see it)
& yes, i can fully see all of your BIG pics!
Wow Missy! Sounds like fun:) I heard that they were coming to the area. We'll be watching for you! Let me know if you wanna bring the gang up to go swimming sometime.
hahaha this is great. ty pennington looks tired and haggard in real life ... and you look hott!! i LOVE meeting famous people too. :)
I am sooo Jealous!! What a fun day for you and I might add, you deserve it! Absolutely love everything, especially your outfit. :) Can't wait to see the show so keep me posted. And yes I also can see all you Big pics.
Yeah, unfortunately I know all about how fake TV is b/c of Brad, oh well, at the end of the day it has to be entertaining which is why you were there! That is so cool!
What a trip! You are a woman who knows how to get things done! And you look so cute. I love the hat!
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