Then...we went to Little Bo-Tique, and THEN "the bins", and THEN the $ store, to get some balloons for my siblings, and THEN out to lunch at Applebee's, and THEN to Ken's Gardens, and THEN to the library to get a special movie to watch (Tinkerbelle), and THEN to Mam-maw and Pap-paw Bucks, and THEN home. What a day. No wonder I fell asleep on the couch at 6 pm. Thanks for my special day mom. When can we do it again? kaycee.
Party like a princess...
So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Kaycee's date with mommy.
Then...we went to Little Bo-Tique, and THEN "the bins", and THEN the $ store, to get some balloons for my siblings, and THEN out to lunch at Applebee's, and THEN to Ken's Gardens, and THEN to the library to get a special movie to watch (Tinkerbelle), and THEN to Mam-maw and Pap-paw Bucks, and THEN home. What a day. No wonder I fell asleep on the couch at 6 pm. Thanks for my special day mom. When can we do it again? kaycee.
A weekend with my girls.
So, the girls and I started our weekend with a trip to the "Hands on House" Children's Museum, in Litiz?, I guess? It came highly recommended by my sister, so we met up with her, and her 2 kiddos, Jaden (3 1/2) and Reese (11 mo).
This little game was talking about germs, and the idea was to see how many you could "zap" in 20 seconds, or something...kept everyone occupied for a good 5 min? :)
One of the first stations, was a face painting station. Aunt Meg first painted Campbell's face to look like a lion. On the second time around, Campbell decided to add some paint of her own. I think she would have been occupied at this station the whole 1 1/2 hours we were there.
Here is Campbell manning the register...someone is trying to pay for their fish. :)
An effort to get a picture with the girls...Has Campbell had enough or what? She still wanted to be painting her face. :(
Friday, March 27, 2009
Our bathroom...
Now below you can check out my own "virtual tour" of our new bathroom. Looks like I will be finished painting in the basement next week, and our carpet will be put in next weekend, so hopefully early next week I can post some pictures of the basement. We are so glad we took the plunge and did these renovations now...Our family is already enjoying both rooms SO MUCH, it's been so worth it already.
Now...the next project is my these strawberries can find a way thru the weeds to pop out. :)
random shots.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
A tribute to my uncle. I watched "Rolling" last winter, I cried and cried. This was part of the story of your life I had never heard told by you. I shuddered through the whole thing. Certainly it was very difficult for you, it changed your whole life course, as well as your are remarkable. I am thankful you are alive and so glad you are thriving despite your life circumstances. Thank you for sharing your story so openly and honestly. I am proud to call you my uncle!
We'll make it to "Calli" sometime... Love, mis.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Belly Laughs.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
my story.
Jesus continually uses me to speak into the lives of young women to help them bypass the mistakes i had made at a younger age. it would be great for young ladies out there to listen to this song, and think about what its saying...
my mistakes help to make me the woman i am today, and isn't it neat to stop and look, and see how Jesus uses us to help others "see". have a spectacular week, and come help me paint if you are bored. :) mis.
Monday, March 9, 2009
All in a Day.
Jaiden (3).
This is Sarah (3), and Moses (5), 2 of my brother Mark and Heather's 3 (at the time) children.
And Jaiden again, the little cheeseball. :) You can tell we are all really camera shy, right?
Fun afternoon. So lucky to be able to run around outside. The evening ended at 11 pm that night, when I got a phone call from my brother Mark, saying that Heather delivered their 4th child an hour before. How much fun is that?
Friday, March 6, 2009
Signs of Spring and Meet Millie.
Some video footage of little Millie. She's about 7 weeks old. Kaden was out today trying to teach her how to fetch. It didn't go so good, but kept them both occupied for awhile. :)
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Campbell...
Campbell, we thank Jesus for your life. We are blessed to have you in our family and love your spunk for life. You are filling your Aunt Meg's shoes for sure...a fiesty sassy girl...You are so independent and want to do everything on your own, "I do it." We love watching you interact with your siblings, especially Calli right are a great big sister, and always wanting to give her kisses and hugs. We hope you will always be great friends! We love you, and cherish your life. I love that Jesus picked me to be your mommy! (even though you are a handful these days) :) Happy Birthday... Love, Mommy & Daddy.
Just a sneak peek at some cupcakes for the family party we're hosting Sunday. Amidst our re-modeling, we are taking some time out to celebrate both Campbell's 2nd Birthday, and Calli's life as well, as she will be dedicated to the Lord on Sunday.
One last video to capture a little of Campbell's Spirit...Opening her present this morning...with the help of the others of course...
how can i NOT post this. can you imagine? precious kate. gorgeous. and in the spotlight. not even 24 hours after she gives birth to her...
yeah...that above? it says only 97 days to go. that's only a teeny bit over 3 months until i can meet my new precious peanut. it always ...