Sunday was a busy, busy day for us. Well, the last week has been very busy, trying to get this renovation project wrapped up, and things painted, etc. I was up until 2:30am, and well...Matt was up helping me until 1, and dusting, and vacuming, and making cupcakes, and...the list goes on. We dedicated Calli at Maple Grove that morning. We were so blessed to have family come and support us. I guess I take that a little for granted, as several people have commented on how much "family" was thanks guys for showing your love. We love you too. As if that wasn't enough excitement, we then decided to also celebrate Campbell's 2nd Birthday for lunch. It was great fun. These are the Elmo cupcakes I tried to copy...hmmm...
Jaiden (3).
This is Sarah (3), and Moses (5), 2 of my brother Mark and Heather's 3 (at the time) children.
And Jaiden again, the little cheeseball. :) You can tell we are all really camera shy, right?
Fun afternoon. So lucky to be able to run around outside. The evening ended at 11 pm that night, when I got a phone call from my brother Mark, saying that Heather delivered their 4th child an hour before. How much fun is that?
So, I ran up there this morning to meet the little peanut. I was always so jealous of these girls who first of all look fabulous when they are pregnant, and secondly have tiny babies. :)
This is "Aunt Mi" welcoming precious "Hope Ireland" into our family. She is just so cute! She weighed in at 6 lbs. 10 oz. And this...was all in a day. :)

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