Party like a princess...
So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Saturday, March 27, 2010
check it out.
just a really bad day.
so...FINALLY in the quiet before bed, after most were tucked in and sleeping, and ONE was still snuggled beside me wide awake, i pulled out the book i have been reading...called John & Stasi Eldredge...
...our dear friend Carol has a bright mind and a keen intellect. the sky is the limit for Carol. and she just gave up what looked like a golden career move to stay at home full time with her newborn son. there is nothing on earth Carol would rather do-yet it was an incredibly difficult decision to make. there is so much that she wants to do, to learn, to experience. she has given up so much of her own life in order to bring life to her little boy. learning to mother her child is requiring more of her heart and soul than she thought possible. God called Carol to the high position of mothering, and she is choosing to die a thousand small deaths to her self every single day while at the same time falling ever more in love with her son.
Carol chose to say "yes" to God and followed his lead into the hidden life of a stay-at-home mom. God is meeting her there. In the hiddenness, she is discovering the holy. And she is playing the most irreplaceable, essential, powerful, life-impacting role imaginable...
this book is AWESOME. it is hardly about mothering at all, but more about God captivating your heart as a woman...what that means...and what that looks like. there are a million stanza's i could also share, but i won't ...go get the book out at the library. :) this was what God had intended for me to read at the end of a bad day as a mom. i have high hopes for today...smiles. and enjoy your weekend. looking for some warmer temps next week...until then i will try to hang out in my cozy basement, and clean some other day. :)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
my deals.
turns out, things were a bit backed up, and they weren't going to stArT the furniture until around 1 pm. so...i walked around kind of pointing out things that could "wOrK" or that i "lIkEd". (now know that matt and i have a bit dIfFerEnt sTyLe when it comes to dEcOraTinG, so i wasn't quite sure what he might come home with...) sMilEs. and i took the kids home and put them down for nAps.
this is the fUn StUfF he came home with...granted it wAsN't fReE, and it did cost MoRe than $4. but not near or even close to the rEtAil stIcKeRs. yea! that's a sCoRe for me. :)
Friday, March 19, 2010
***now really...who wouldn't bark at a five year old dressed up like a flower anyway?***
***p.s. after a phone call this morning, i was notified that a nice dog-loving friend took him home last hopefully the other friends who are going to "adopt" this cute little guy have gotton in touch with the other friend and now have him already. hopefully he stays put on their farm. ***got it? :)
Sunday, March 14, 2010
another great book.
it's so fabulous. check out this little glimmer...
most of us live under the heavy cloud of "house beautiful." we see it in those magazines at the grocery-store checkout, in the elaborately decorated homes and apartments on television-perfect furniture and decor, sparkling-clean floors and countertops and baseboards, fresh flowers in crystal vases, candles whose wicks are long and actually light each time, with perhaps a few toys placed "just so" to let us know that adorable-probably nonexistant-children add to the ambience of a certain house. but having four children in a home (or even one) automatically means frequent messes, poorly complete chores, a few dozen socks lying on the floor at any given time, crumbs hiding in different corners throughout the house, and at least some dirty dishes, no matter how recently the kitchen has been cleaned.
because the responsilbities of maintaining a home, especially a home with children, are so varied and unrelenting, the pressure to get it all together and keep it together is constant. doing laundry, cleaning messes, cooking, washing dishes, shopping, organizing, keeping clutter under control-the tasks can be daunting. that's why effective home management is an important part of making a home into a nurturing envirnment...
going on to say, " my purpose in organizing my household is not to live up to some external value system (oh yeah)? but to make life easier and more peaceful for the whole family." hmmm. that's something to think about, right?
now...if that isn't a pep talk to get it together, i don't know what life. i actually SERIOUSLY thought about putting a hamper in my basement this week. FOR SOCKS. i am so TIRED of picking up my kids dirty socks, they leave them EVERYWHERE, but especially the basement...anyway...this resounded in my soul. this book has been GREAT for me to read. so fun. highly recommend it...maybe one from the library, because mine is SOOOO highlighted. :) cheers to your week. mk. (and i decided against the hamper for this week anyway...just need to suck it up and do a little more "instructing").
Saturday, March 13, 2010
gaither vocal band. and i may have aged ourselves a good...oh...say...20 years or so last night. we had the opportunity to go to the gaither vocal band reunited tour concert at the Soverign Center in Reading. we rode a chartered bus, that left from our church at 5 pm...and boy...those old people stay out late...we didn't get home until 12:30 a.m. whew. (the memories of being up nursing babies came flooding back this i peeled my eyes open). :) I must say I kind of had a bad attitude about going, but we had such a blast. i love. love. love David Phelps voice, amoung others, but he was my favorite...besides his great. great hair...he's the guy with ringlets...check it out...and hey...if you want in on it, they are at Penn State next weekend... :)
(of course you'll have to pause my music to enjoy their's.) :)
Friday, March 12, 2010
favorite magazine.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
one of my favorite spring things.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
we love all the cousins.
Monday, March 8, 2010
enough said?
we really have been having lots of fun seeing our cousins from N.C. so much...(noah and zion are in town much more these days, as their grandma was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple months ago, and naomi comes up every couple weeks to visit and help out)...we miss them, especially now that the kids are getting older, and really play well. you can tell they obviously loved the camera, right? :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
happy birthday campbell...
self portrait...again...takes me back to high school or something??
the cake, and had taken campbell up for a nap, and came down to find this...
junie b. jones.
how can i NOT post this. can you imagine? precious kate. gorgeous. and in the spotlight. not even 24 hours after she gives birth to her...
yeah...that above? it says only 97 days to go. that's only a teeny bit over 3 months until i can meet my new precious peanut. it always ...