i guess it's been about a month now already, but we packed up the kids and headed to a fuRniTurE aUcTioN. i have been looking for a long dresser for the girls room...and of course have iN mY hEad what i want, and can't find it...bUmMer.
turns out, things were a bit backed up, and they weren't going to stArT the furniture until around 1 pm. so...i walked around kind of pointing out things that could "wOrK" or that i "lIkEd". (now know that matt and i have a bit dIfFerEnt sTyLe when it comes to dEcOraTinG, so i wasn't quite sure what he might come home with...) sMilEs. and i took the kids home and put them down for nAps.
this is the fUn StUfF he came home with...granted it wAsN't fReE, and it did cost MoRe than $4. but not near or even close to the rEtAil stIcKeRs. yea! that's a sCoRe for me. :)

since he ended up getting all 3 of these pieces, we rEplAcEd kaden's dresser, (which came with the fArM...and i loved it, but it just wasn't pRaCtiCal right now...it's falling apart {and has been repaired many times} and veRy hArD aNd UnCoOpEraTivE to open), so...this is PeRfEct for kaden...eAsY tO oPen and he's tall enough to get in the top drawer...

this is in the GiRls rOom and qUiTe pErFecT. not quite mY sTyLe but campbell certainly can't pull this oVeR on herself...(as she had done 3x with our ikea yArD sAlE dresser...yIkeS).

and this of course is my fAvoRiTe. i surely didn't think he'd even buy it. it doesn't even pull out nicely, which usually is a mUst for matt. i have it in the hAllWaY now and have sHeEts in it, so i don't have to run doWnStaIrs in the living room to get sheets now...(they were in a wardrobe in my living room). now yOu kNow. :) surely a negative for living in an oLd fArM hOuSe is the lack of closet space.
have a BeAuTifUl SunNy dAy...mk.
was that really a month ago? love your furnature! i have the same "sheet problem"!!!!! i NEED more closets! (some day =))
ps- i'd LOVE to take pictures of your girls! (sooner than later would work best for me)
I love your farmhouse. I so think I need to give you a few $$$'s to decorate my house.
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