phew. what a day.
not even that i did that much.
can i tell you that i was *up* and *out of bed*
times in the wee hours this morning between 2:30 a.m. and 4:30 a.m.
(if you can't do the math, that's like every 15 minutes...and i absolutely
fell asleep after i crawled back into bed each time. :) )
child...except one.
ya all wonder why i am exhausted all the time.
granted it was not a normal night.
but can i get an amen sista? :)
(doesn't karolina's hair look RED in this picture? totally wild...)
and we finally finished our ~valentine's~ for this year.
i found this awesome idea on pinterest @

(so our's don't look quite as professional, but we took a good shot at it) :)

(so our's don't look quite as professional, but we took a good shot at it) :)
we decided we'd do them for...
kaden's 2nd grade class, kaycee's 1st grade class,
and campbell's preschool class...
kaden and kaycee had a blast...
i did campbell's bracelets for her...was just a bit too tricky for her to do...
(which was actually a trip down memory lane for me,
as i used to make these as a kid...)
so much fun.
and all the creative color combinations... :)
the kids are into doing these little dance shows for us *every* night.
it's kind of hilarious.
i don't know what's up...
kaycee and calli are both wearing headbands of karolina's,
and left her little bald head with nothin' on. :)
i also re-did my picture wall down in the basement.
i can't decide if i like it or not?
i liked it on the picture i copied from :)
will show you another day.
Amen Sista;) I can relate, last night I lost track of how many times I was up. I feel asleep in the babies room, girls room, my room a couple of times. Yikes... I love the braclets:) I am going to make crayons that us melt down into heart icecube trays I found in the Target dollar bin.
LOVE the valentines!!!! ( i still need to "find" you on pinterest)
& i really want to see your re-done picture wall!
are your kids sick? or was it just a rough night cause of other things? i feel your pain!
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