well. there comes a few times in my life when i just need to make a decision and go with it. point blank. that's it. no questions asked. and that's what happened yesterday. laundry piled. mulch still in the driveway. house a mess. and i packed up the kids and we went to lancaster city to spend time with my sister, megan, and her two kids, jaiden (4) and reese (2). it was so much fun. so much fun that ALL of my kids, kaden (6 1/2), kaycee (5), campbell (3), and calli (19 mo), were sleeping on the way home...and no...i did not pull over to take a picture. :) i actually went to the drive thru at mcdonalds (and got a snack size m & m flurry)...and NO ONE knows about it. then i went and bought some tomato cages for my garden...and they continued to sleep...it was so glorious! thanks for the fun day city people. :)
check out our day...
we went to central market, which i love, bribed the kids with some gummies, and while i was taking some kids to the porta potties, calli threw up on herself, and stroller, and sidewalk. now...that's a good sister, cleaning up your kids throw up until you get back. :) seems that's all she needed, and has been completely herself ever since...then, we went to the fountains. my kids love pretending they live in the city, for just an afternoon, to ride scooters on the sidewalks, and jump in the fountains of water. ummm. what better to do on a hot, muggy day?
I like the new look of your blog. How do you get the pictures so big!
have a good one!
great post miss. where else can you go on a hot muggy day? north carolina, of course! .......its just the whole getting down here thats just so????????
judah was lamenting how much he missed the "fountain park" when viewing .....looks like tons of fun!
love the new look!
the fountains look refreshing!!
Love the new look of your blog! That park looks like fun! you will have to tell me where it is. I have never really been to "downtown" Lancaster! Can you believe that!
It was nice to read your blog. We just got back from Hilton Head, SC with the Rodak family. We had a nice week at the beach and Gemma loved both the sand and the ocean. I wish you well on your trip across America with Matt. Keep a journal and can't wait to hear about everything when you get back. Next time you come up to the city, please stop in. We would all like to see you and the family. Maybe by the time you get back I will have my own blog and you could guide me through the process.
May the Lord protect you as you travel and calm your spirit as you prepare for your trip.
P.S. Give Kaden a hug for me and tell him that cousin Emiley is proud of him. And you and Matt deserve a pat on the back as well because your son is living the life Jesus asks us to live daily.
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