i would love to know when we started graduating kids from every grade.
here i thought it was a special honor for seniors. but that is just not the case.
campbell graduated from kindergarten yesterday.
kaycee graduated from second grade on tuesday.
and well. poor kaden. i don't know why third graders, at octorara, don't get to graduate?
maybe they do it, so your senior graduation is not such a b.i.g. deal.
just sayin'.
(can you find her?........7th back in line...white sundress)
(campbell with her teacher, mrs. benard)
i am going to take the time to brag on mrs. benard.
so fabulous.
she cried thanking the parents for our hard work this year.
and cried saying goodbye to the kids.
it was kinda precious. :)
she was so very supportive of my decision to pull campbell at lunch time.
i really appreciated that!!
the pictures i took of kaycee, and matt and i, didn't turn out well.
so we will skip them. :)
i thought i was ready to start summer.
however, anytime kaden goes into the sun porch to play lego's with the girls.
there is fighting. commotion. disruption. a headache.
maybe i am not ready. :)
i have so many goals to accomplish this summer.
so. many.
it will be intersting to see how it pans out.
i have new chores.
i have a bored jar.
i have new school work books. and reading books.
new journals.
maybe if i could get some new discipline tactics for my
solid, husky 9 year old, i would be better prepared. :)
alll that being said.
i am excited for a "new normal'.
which probably means more bickering and fighting, but along with that,
comes SUNSHINE and pond fun and campfires and sleepovers and
lightning bugs and beach trips and picnics and flash light tag and
all kinds of fun stuff.
bring it on. summer. bring it on.
1 comment:
Happy summer to you all! We'll miss you on the Cape in a week or so. :( But understand you can't make it. Life's a little busy, huh?! :)
And speaking of graduations - I went to my niece's pre-K graduation. Really? Pre-K? That's what I was thinking. Of course when it comes to Allie, I might feel differently though?! :)
Hope the summer's a good one!
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