Party like a princess...

So times are a changing here in the King household. Almost 2 teens live here, and soon to be a bunch of pre-teens to follow. :) Trying to...

Monday, June 10, 2013

i wish i knew...

i wish i knew the reason i was gifted 1 son and 4 daughters.
i am overwhelmed with the Lord's goodness and provision to me.


i am terrified at the thought of suddenly having to mother these 5 children.
why 1 son and 4 daughers?

what can i possibly do right with these souls?
how can i nurture, love and protect them all?
life was so easy when they were teeny. precious babes.
tiring. but easy for me.
now they are each so different.
the world so upside down.
i know i can only do my best.
and even my best will never be enough.

and that is where my faith comes into play.
which can get deep and raw and emotional.
so i will leave it at that for now. :)

this song spoke VOLUMES to me. in how i am raising my daughters.
purity. honor. kindness. beauty. love. friendship. niceness.
daughters of ~the King~.

did you hear the lines:

[you are beautiful.
everything about you is incredible.
you should have seen me smile the day that i made you.]

oh. be. still. my. heart.

i do not have my self image together now at age 35.

how can i do better with my own daughters?
Lord. give me wisdom.
words to speak over them.
and tell them everyday
that they are beautiful and precious.

here is to rocking out our first full day of summer.
it's raining here.
guess i will be checking into my pinterest boards to help make the day more fun. ;))


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