okay...so i am a bit behind. surprise, surprise. ;)
but doing it this way just helps me remember back to... june 22nd, 2010...we departed from Tuba City, AZ @ 8am and arrived in Las Vegas, NV at around 5 pm...granted we gained another hour after passing thru the Hoover Dam.
highlights and downers:
*full sun riding today...sported a strapless shirt...to rid me of some tan lines. :)
~this means 110-115 degrees~
*sat in hours of traffic to get thru Hoover Dam construction
~was worth the wait...amazing things going on there...and refreshing
slushies when we made it to the other side. :)
*Grand Canyon was another highlight. God's majesty is screaming from
those peaks and valley's...pretty amazing for a country girl to see.
*it was not uncommon for us to be traveling on the motorcycle 8-10 hours a
day...did you know my husband doesn't like to sleep? ;)
*we were completely overwhelmed with Vegas. completely disappointed
as well. it's no wonder the women and daugthers of our country are struggling with eating disorders
and having corrective surgeries after spending less than 24 hours there...
i was pretty sickened by the things i saw... :( but we were there,
and it was an experience...i don't think i ever have to go back.
there were plenty of tourists here at the Grand Canyon to take our pic.
and, what a sign...they were everywhere...
On june 23rd we departed from Las Vegas, NV and arrived at my aunt and uncle's in LA, CA, at 7 pm...we stayed with them for 2 nights...which we weren't really planning on, but...this was what had sparked the trip to begin with...My uncle has always lived in California, and so...i have always wanted to
go and visit, and just never had...and they twisted our arms a wee little bit...or
made us feel guilty, one or the other. ;) it was SO worth the extra time. glad we stayed.
*drove thru a massively beautiful part of the country. we took some very, very
windey, mountain roads...like i am telling you that when i looked down i
was almost sick, we were "that" high. wow. it was wild, driving down
below in 90 degree weather, and on the tip top of the mountains we were
playing in the snow. i kid you not. :)
*got some fun texts from friends...it's so nice to be missed.
*got some very sad messages from kaden...we didn't always have cell service,
so he would leave these messages before he went to bed, just crying...
oh, it made me cry...i think matt was TOTALLY blown away by how
hard that was for all of us. but, it's nice to be missed. :)
*this country girl got her eyes "opened" at Venice Beach- where Baywatch was
filmed, that was kinda neat. Visited Hollywood, Beverly Hills.
*realized our "rush hour" traffic at home is nothing. it is from 4:30-7:30 pm
in LA...SOLID...the only thing that saved us was we were on the cycle
of course, and you are allowed, by law, to "split" traffic. that means
that on the packed 6 lane highway (one direction) we are driving up the
middle lines...it was the scariest thing ever...i was sure we were going
to be in an accident. cars actually tried to get out of your way to give you
more room...and our bike isn't little may i remind you...that would
NEVER happen here...there would be honkers, and fingers flying
everywhere, don't you think?
*i am *really* missing the kids by now. i spend my time on the motorcycle
relaxing and praying...
*we had fun relaxing and sinking into Galen and Deborah's life for a quick
milli-second. thanks guys. xoxo.
[ my uncle, Galen, and his wife, Deborah and Matt and I.]
their home...totally renovated and gorgeous.
just a palm tree...i have a thing for them ;) and matt and i in vegas...
ready to hit "the strip".