for those of you wondering about our dear friend glenda...
you can check out: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/glendablank
for status updates.
our hearts continue to be heavy. it just doesn't go away.
we long to see them. and cry with them. and hug them.
but that is for another time.
right now our job is to encourage and pray like i have never prayed before.
and i do consider myself a prayer warrior.
i pray a. lot. normally.
friends that i only got to know thru bill and glenda were able to stop in
last evening on their way to the beach.
jeremy and katrina and karolina and i prayed.
standing right there in my kitchen.
it was precious.
and she said something that stung.
"and we agree with you Father...in your will, in your timing."
and that is what i am grappeling with this morning.
i am trying ~really~ hard to agree with The Father and his timing.
i am believing with all my heart for a miraculous healing.
but i would like it NOW. not later. NOW.
i would like all this pain to go away.
all this heaviness and heartache.
but isn't that my problem all the time?
it's always about me.
just something else to learn ~again~ today...
as i accept and stand in agreement with the Lord's plan...
having faith and still hoping for a miracle.
Still praying for your sweet friend. Praying her body gets the rest that it needs to recover fully. I know God is able and is listening to our prayers. It is hard because WE can't fix this situation, but we can trust in him. A verse that I hung onto when going through a similar trial was:
Psalms 37:4 ~ Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Through him all things are possible. We continue to pray for a miracle. Keeping everyone in our prayers during this difficult time.
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