wow. sandy sure did know how to pack a punch, eigh?
my family has vacationed in ocean city, new jersey most of my growing up years.
i have fond, fond memories there, and surely that contributes to my love of the beach.
i haven't found many pictures of the devestation of ocean city, new jersey,
but did find this one of the pier...
the caption said, the ocean city pier survived irene...

but not sandy...

it's so devestating to think about all those people who have homes there. homes of any sort.
i can boo-hoo about not having my favorite vacation spot this summer...
but what, really... do i have to complain about?
not.a.bloomin' thing.
except halloween. :)
can i vent for just a minute?
i am the grinch of halloween.
i hate it.
i really usually love to go to school. because i am involved with good news club, and well...
have 3 kids in the district now, lots of kids know me, and teachers too.
that is fun. to have a presence there.
but i kinda hate going there for halloween. and truth be told, try to bribe my kids not to stay for the parties.
eeeekkkkk. i know. horrible.
we really do feel called to our school district, and then listen to me, i am trying to bribe my kids away
so. i go. and there are some really cute costumes.
and then there are some really gorey, horrible costumes.
like. what are people thinking? why exactly would you put something like that on your 7 year old again?
so i go. and chit chat with the other moms.
and let me tell you there are a ton.
at octorara, this holiday brings parents out of the woodwork.
there are more parents BY FAR at the halloween party then any other party during the year.
it's bizzare.
so kind of her. just how i like to start my day. drinking my milk out of a skeleton cup.
especially when i am 5 years old. :)
i hate that i am so critical...
have 3 kids in the district now, lots of kids know me, and teachers too.
that is fun. to have a presence there.
but i kinda hate going there for halloween. and truth be told, try to bribe my kids not to stay for the parties.
eeeekkkkk. i know. horrible.
we really do feel called to our school district, and then listen to me, i am trying to bribe my kids away
from their halloween parties. :)
so. i go. and there are some really cute costumes.
and then there are some really gorey, horrible costumes.
like. what are people thinking? why exactly would you put something like that on your 7 year old again?
and wonder, why they would have nightmares? for real...
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(kaycee and i copied some owl costumes off of pinterest. ours of course looks original...but we liked it and it was from stuff we had around the house. :) ) |
and let me tell you there are a ton.
at octorara, this holiday brings parents out of the woodwork.
there are more parents BY FAR at the halloween party then any other party during the year.
it's bizzare.
so. i smile. and wave. and smile.
and thank the mom who proudly passes out cupcakes with R.I.P tombstones and a bloody hand
coming up out of the cupcake, around to my 5 year olds kindergarten class.
i graciously thank the other mom who passes out plastic skeleton cups with goodie bags in them.
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( i think campbell just got a glimpse of those gorey cupcakes) (just kiddin') :) |
especially when i am 5 years old. :)
i hate that i am so critical...
i know in my head that this may just be a part of being in the world, and not of the world.
nor me, nor my family is in this alone...i chatted with many christian moms there today...
but sometimes it's a little much.
and then i feel a soft hand on my shoulder, someone telling me it's so good to see me at all these events.
and i turn and smile bigger.
lynn brown.
a christian teacher who happens to know my mom AND my mother-in-law. double yippee.
and then get an e-mail from campbell's teacher, avis benard, wishing us traveling mercies on our get-away.
and don't do any school work, just have fun as a family.
time goes by so fast.
and then. i sigh. and think. it's gonna be okay.
gorey cupcakes and skeleton cups and all.
God has us in his hand. We are right where He wants us to be. and that feels good afterall.
it doesn't have to be about me. all the time. now does it?
thank you for listening to me rant.
i am done.
i was at Bible Study from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m.
then with kaycee from 12:30 until 1:45...
brought kaycee home early and picked up campbell,
to take her back to her party,
and was with her until 3 p.m.
which meant i missed kaden's party because it was at the same time as campbell's. :(
one of my friends said, i guess that's what we get for having our kids 20 months apart.
i cracked up.
we can't be everywhere, all the time, now can we?
nor me, nor my family is in this alone...i chatted with many christian moms there today...
but sometimes it's a little much.
and then i feel a soft hand on my shoulder, someone telling me it's so good to see me at all these events.
and i turn and smile bigger.
lynn brown.
a christian teacher who happens to know my mom AND my mother-in-law. double yippee.
and then get an e-mail from campbell's teacher, avis benard, wishing us traveling mercies on our get-away.
and don't do any school work, just have fun as a family.
time goes by so fast.
and then. i sigh. and think. it's gonna be okay.
gorey cupcakes and skeleton cups and all.
God has us in his hand. We are right where He wants us to be. and that feels good afterall.
it doesn't have to be about me. all the time. now does it?
thank you for listening to me rant.
i am done.
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(and cowgirl campbell...who asked if we could come home at 3 p.m. yeeeee-haaaa) :) |
i was at Bible Study from 9:30 until 11:30 a.m.
then with kaycee from 12:30 until 1:45...
brought kaycee home early and picked up campbell,
to take her back to her party,
and was with her until 3 p.m.
which meant i missed kaden's party because it was at the same time as campbell's. :(
one of my friends said, i guess that's what we get for having our kids 20 months apart.
i cracked up.
we can't be everywhere, all the time, now can we?
so now it's off to clean and pack for a little va-cay.
catch ya later.
stay cozy.
I found pictures of Ocean City NJ during/after Sandy!
Hey Missy,
We struggle with the some of the same issues surrounding Halloween. At our kid's school, the focus is on Reformation Day (Martin Luther, and all that), so they don't deal with it at school, but this is the first year that our kids did not go trick-or-treating. We have a problem with the way that it is "celebrated"....death, and body parts, skeltons, etc, is not fun! I know that we went out when we were kids, but the only decoration people had was a pumpkin, and the front porch light on. Now I can barely go shopping without the kids getting scared seeing all the bloody, and gorey things.....
The kids didn't seem to mind not going trick-or-treating this year, plus it was raining that night....we will see what next year brings. And you are so correct when you say that we are right where God wants us, and that is in His Hands!!
Hope you are doing well!!
Sharlene Huizinga
(thanks for listening to my vent, too!) :)
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